Purchase MDY crewneck, sweatshirts, cookbooks and gear

Purchase an MDY PTA calendar 24-25

One set of our PTA calendar (large and mini) available to pickup from elementary school or can be mailed to your home for a nominal fee.


MDY Crewneck

Delivered to your child’s classroom within a few days.

Click here

MDY Sweatshirts

Preorder your child's sweatshirts for delivery to your child's classroom within a few days.

Click Here

MDY cookbooks

Availble for pickup in Brooklyn or Deal.

Click here

MDY GEAR- show your school spirit

Kippot and Scrunchies delivered to your child's classroom within a few days.

Click Here

MDY Embroidered Gear

Delivered to your child’s classroom within a few days.

Sweatshirts can be worn on Rosh Hodesh

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